12 Surprising Things That Hurt Your Heart
1. Dental Ailments
Regular brushing and flossing is extremely essential to maintain a healthy heart and body. You see, individuals who suffer from gum disease tend to have a higher risk of developing heart ailments. Researchers aren’t entirely sure about the reason behind this correlation, however, experts believe that the bacteria that develops within the gums tends to move within the bloodstream, which causes the development of inflammation within the blood vessels, along with other heart ailments.
You can avoid these ailments with a regular brushing and flossing regime, along with regular check-ups with the dentist every 6 months. And if you notice the emergence of redness, soreness or a change in the formation of your teeth and gums, be sure to fix an appointment with your dentist right away.
2. Hepatitis C
This damaging liver infection causes an unnatural reduction in blood pressure levels and cholesterol levels, which still puts the patients of hepatitis C at a greater risk of developing heart ailments as opposed to those who don’t suffer from this disease. Health experts believe that hepatitis C triggers inflammation within body cells and tissues, particularly those present within the heart. Be sure to visit your doctor for regular examinations to keep a close eye on damaging heart symptoms.
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